Abid, Liza, Doctoral student, Université Laval
Albatal, Fadi, COO and Partner, Innovobot
Babin, Philippe, President and CEO, Aeponyx
Bassila, Christian, President, Anyon
Beaudoin, Serge, Director, Université de Sherbrooke
Belisle, Gary, Chief Operating Officer, Carbicrete
Benmokrane, Brahim, Professor, Université de Sherbrooke
Bergeron-Vachon, Amélie, Senior Director – Partnerships and Networking, Écotech Québec
Berrouard, Nicholas, Deputy CEO and Director of Operations, CNETE (Centre National en Électrochimie et en Technologies Environnementales)
Berthiaume, David, Managing Director, Kemitek
Nohair, Bendaoud, Project Manager, CDCQ (Centre de Développement des Composites du Québec)
Bérubé, Catherine, Partner, Cycle Capital
Boisvert, Daniel, Business Development Director, C-Mac Microcircuits ULC
Bonenfant, Stéphane, Senior Software Manager, LeddarTech
Bourbonnais, Normand, President and CEO, Technum Québec
Braidy, Nadi, Professor, Eng., Ph.D., Université de Sherbrooke
Brassard, Martin, R&D Director, Nouveau Monde Graphite
Bureau, Martin, Vice-President of Innovation and Director of the PFAS Centre of Excellence, ALTRA Sanexen
Bussières, Virginie, Vice-President – External Relations and Partnerships, Polystyvert
Carabin, Pierre, Chief Technology Officer and Chief Strategist, PyroGenesis Canada Inc.
Carrier, Renaud, Engineering Director, Demers manufacturiers
Chaker, Mohamed, Professor, INRS-EMT (Institut national de la recherche scientifique – Énergie Matériaux Télécommunications)
Champagne-Gélinas, Alex, Director of Strategic Development, InnovÉÉ
Chénier, Richard, CEO, Québec Tech
Chevalier, Frédéric, CEO, RTMQ (Réseau de la Transformation Métallique du Québec)
Chrétien, Simon, CEO, Alliance Polymères Québec
Cloutier, Caroline, Director of R&D, NRC (National Research Council Canada)
Côté, Guillaume, President and CEO, CRIAQ (Consortium for Research and Innovation in Aerospace in Québec)
Coulombe, Sylvain, Professor, McGill University
Dakin, Sébastien, Director of Stakeholder Mobilization, Nano One
Daoud, Alexandra, Vice-President – Intellectual Property and Regulatory Affairs
Anyon De Sousa, Isabel, Senior Hardware Development Engineer, IBM (International Business Machines)
Delisle, Jean-Philippe, Investment Analyst, AXELYS
Desaulniers, Eric, Founder, President and CEO, Nouveau Monde Graphite
Desgagniers, Anne, Ecosystem Manager, SDTC (Sustainable Development Technology Canada)
Després, Mélissa, Director of R&D, Materials and Processes, NRC (National Research Council Canada)
Desrosiers, Quentin Abraham, CEO, Plasticompétences
Déziel, Nancy, CEO, CNETE (Centre National en Électrochimie et en Technologies Environnementales)
Diez, Carl, Vice-President, R&D, Soleno
Doucet, Jocelyn, Co-Founder and CEO, Pyrowave
Dubé, Martine, Professor, ÉTS (École de Technologie Supérieure)
Dubus, Sébastien, CEO, Institut des Matériaux Durables
Ducas, Marc-Antoine, Entrepreneur in Residence, Cycle Momentum
Ducharme, Edith, Innovation and Collaboration Specialist, Optonique (Pôle d’excellence en optique-photonique du Québec)
Fillon, Tiphaine, Director of Partnerships and Corporate Affairs, Technum Québec
Fournier, René, Head of Innovation, Liberty Springs
Fradette, Louis, Co-founder and Technical Director, Cycle Carbone
Gagnon, Jean-Philippe, Chief Technology Officer, Exterra
Gordon, Sébastien, Structural Analysis Project Manager, Eng, Ph.D., CTA (Centre Technologique en Aérospatiale)
Guestier, Martin, Investment Director – Private Equity and Impact
Investments, Energy and Environment, Fonds de solidarité des travailleurs et travailleuses (FTQ)
Guindon, Alexandre, CEO and Co-Founder, 2 Degrés
Hovan, Luc, Vice-President, Integration and Infrastructure, Northvolt
Henry, Schaer, Business Analyst, WattByWatt
Johnson, Michael, Combustion Analyst – New Technologies, Hydrogen, Fuel Flexibility and Carbon Capture, Siemens Energy
Ka, Ibrahima, Co-founder, WattByWatt
Khoun, Loleï, Research Officer, NRC- Automation and Surface Transportation

Kroeger, Jens, R&D Manager, AP&C Powder Metallurgy|GE Additive
Lanctôt, Pascal, Partner, Climate Technologies Fund, BDC Capital
Lapierre, Dominic, Account Manager, ABB
Lauzon, Janic, CEO, CDCQ (Centre de Développement des Composites du Québec)
Lefèvre, Florent, Chairman, Kynze
Lequin, François, CTO Office, Technology Initiatives, E2ip
Levasseur, Annie, Scientific Director, Centre d’études et de recherches intersectorielles en économie circulaire, CERIEC
Levesque, Rodrick, Vice-President, Engineering, Manac Inc.
Lévesque, Sylvie, Deputy General Manager, Corem
Lizaire, Maude, Doctoral student, Mila – Québec AI Institute
Maghoul, Pooneh, Professor, Polytechnique Montréal
Mailloux, Nicolas, R&D and Government Grants Coordinator, Sayona
Marin, Gheorghe, CEO, CMQ (Centre de Métallurgie du Québec)
Marion, Frédéric, Head of Customer Experience and Material Expertise, AP&C Powder Metallurgy|GE Additive
Marques, Cristina, Vice-President – Management of Innovation programs, CRIBIQ (Consortium for Research and Innovation in Industrial Bioprocesses in Québec)
Marquis, Josiane, Senior Advisor – Hydrogen Development and CCUS, Énergir
Martin, Manuel, Technical Lead for Additive Manufacturing, METALTec Industrial R&D Group
Moghimian, Nima, Director of R&D, NanoXplore
Mottola, Laura, Vice President – Supply Chain, Northvolt
Mousseau, Normand, Scientific Director, Institut Trottier
Normandin, Daniel, Director, CERIEC (Centre d’études et de recherches intersectorielles en économie circulaire)
Olsen, Caroline, Director of R&D, SGS Canada (Société Générale de Surveillance) Parenteau, Guillaume, Vice-President – Business Development, Vallée de la transition énergétique
Perineau, Fabien, Technology Transfer and Innovation Advisor, IVADO
Perron, Christian, President and Chief Operating Officer, CEIM (Centre d’entreprizes et d’innovation de Montréal)
Poirier, René, Regional Manager (Québec), Policy, Analysis and Intelligence, Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED)
Pomerleau, Guy, Consultant – Strategic Planning, Blue Solutions
Pouliot, Jean-François, CEO, CRITM (Consortium de recherche et d’innovation en transformation métallique)
Quenneville, Olivier, President and CEO, Réseau Capital
Rego De Vasconcelos, Bruna, Assistant Professor, Université de Sherbrooke
Renaudin, Alan, Director – Business Development, Strategic Partnerships and Marketing, C2MI (MiQro Innovation Collaborative Centre)
Rilling, Madison, CEO, Optonique (Pôle d’excellence en optique-photonique du Québec)
Robitaille, Myrielle, Senior Director, Eng. – Energy and Environment, Sia Partners Inc.
Rolnick, David, Research Professor, Mila – Québec AI Institute
Rossetto, Daniela, Researcher, Geomega
Sarra-Bournet, Christian, Scientific Director, DistriQ
Santato, Clara, Professor, Polytechnique Montréal
Sarazin, Pierre, Vice President, R&D and Sustainable Development, PolyExpert
Sasseville, Mathieu, Senior Advisor, FondAction
Schaer, Henry, Business Analyst, WattByWatt
Schiettekatte, Francois, Deputy Director, RQMP (Regroupement québécois sur les matériaux de pointe)
Shchupak, Zoya, Managing Partner, Innovobot Resonance
Siaj, Mohamed, Director, CQMF (Centre Québécois sur les Matériaux Fonctionnels)
Stafford, Luc, Professor and Associate Vice-Rector, Research, Université de Montréal
Stateikina, Irina, Senior Scientist – Design and fabrication of MEMS, C2MI (MiQro Innovation Collaborative Centre)
Tanguay, Geneviève, President and CEO, Anges Québec
Tolza, Alexandra, CEO, ISEQ (Industrie des Systèmes Électroniques du Québec)
Valois, Steve, Head of Expertise – Asset Performance, Evolution and Characterization – Generation, Hydro-Québec
Vendittoli, Mario, Director of Economic Intelligence, CED (Canada Economic Development)
Villemont Clément, Vice-President – Development of the Knowledge Environment and the Innovation Ecosystem, Vallée de la transition énergétique
Zaghib, Karim, President and CEO, Volt-Age and Professor, Chemical and Materials Engineering, Concordia University
Zwarts, Franck, Senior Director – Investments, CDPQ (Caisse de Dépôt et Placement du Québec)

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