Guideline 5


The shortage of a qualified workforce and skills development represent significant challenges for technology-intensive sectors[10]. By strengthening the training received by the next generation of fundamental scientists while aligning academic curricula with industry requirements, this guideline will prepare a new generation of highly qualified personnel who can support innovation and growth in the advanced materials sector. 

OBJECTIVE 5.1. To promote career opportunities in advanced materials and processes for young people.
OBJECTIVE 5.2. To help create training opportunities that correspond to the sector’s industrial needs.
OBJECTIVE 5.3. To promote the use of company programs that strengthen workers’ technical skills, numeracy and literacy.

Objective 5.1


To promote career opportunities in advanced materials and processes for young people.

Launch the Création d’Étincelles project.
– Sponsors: PRIMA Québec and Réseau TechnoSciences

Advancement details:
More than 200 secondary school students benefited from one of the 11 activites offered in 2024.
Update : January 13, 2025
  • Advancement



Organize workshops in elementary and secondary schools to introduce polymers and composites to the students.
– Sponsor: CREPEC

Advancement details:
3 thematics have been offered in 2024:
– Engineering behind origami (2 workshops, around 50 participants)
– Introduction to composites (1 workshop, 180 participants)
– 3D printing (3 workshops, 88 participants)
Update : January 13, 2025
  • Advancement



Organize summer camps to promote the advanced materials sector among youths.
– Sponsor: Réseau de la Transformation Métallique du Québec (RTMQ)

To be announced


Training tomorrow’s engineers:
Key skills in materials science

Faced with rapidly evolving needs regarding materials skills, Québec universities are reassessing their training needs. Led by Professor Nadi Braidy, a materials science and engineering training committee at the Université de Sherbrooke has identified key skills for engineers and scientists.

These are:

1. Identifying and solving applied problems involving materials, along with their microstructure and properties, using the appropriate measurement tools.

2. Controlling the properties of various materials to optimize their selection and integration into systems with a given function under potentially extreme usage conditions.

3. Optimizing the production costs and yields associated with a variety of materials according to their intended application.

4. Designing durable materials, tools and devices equipped with the most effective replacement and repair properties (cost, complexity, repeatability, etc.).

5. Providing leadership for a multidisciplinary team, particularly through knowledge of the social and environmental impacts associated with the life cycle of materials.

Objective 5.2


To help create training opportunities that correspond to the sector’s industrial needs.

Conduct a survey of companies working with advanced materials and associated processes regarding the skills required from graduates. Survey results will be shared among every university and college in Québec.
– Sponsors: PRIMA Québec and partners

Scheduled to start in 2026

Propel an interdisciplinary, collaborative, professional, inclusive and immersive training program in materials science and engineering to integrate students into the job market.
– Sponsor: Advanced Materials Academy

Advancement details:
1 active cohort of 9 PhD students and 7 master students. 4 Summer internship scholarship for undergraduate students are available in 2025.
Update : February 24, 2025
  • Advancement



Mapping key skills and training needs to support the advanced materials sector.
– Sponsor: PRIMA Québec

Scheduled to start in 2027

Objective 5.3


To promote the use of company programs that strengthen workers’ technical skills, numeracy and literacy.

Familiarize the ecosystem with programs like those offered by the sectoral workforce committees (Commission des partenaires du marché du travail – needs identified by sectors), the Fédération des Chambres de Commerce du Québec/Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan Montreal, and the ISED program (Upskilling for Industry Initiative (UII) – needs identified by companies).
– Sponsor: PRIMA Québec 

Advancement details:
CMSO: To be announced.
FCCQ/CCMM: The Visées program is being deployed – sector analysis carried out, training courses being developed. More details to be shared.
ISED: To be announced.
Update : January 22, 2025
  • Advancement FCCQ/CCMM




Demystifying quantum physics

Curieux quantiques is a science popularization initiative dedicated to promoting and disseminating knowledge of quantum physics among the general public, secondary and CEGEP students and teaching staff, along with companies interested in developing their understanding of the subject. Curieux quantiques’ activities have expanded over the years to include quarterly newsletters, lectures, animated videos, classroom workshops, and large-scale popularization events. It also provides adapted teaching materials for teachers, like explanation sheets and interactive learning modules.
Since its creation in 2020, the Curieux quantiques team has organized or taken part in more than 180 activities, reaching over 15,000 individuals. The initiative plays an important role in public awareness by demystifying quantum physics, getting young people interested in the subject, and promoting scientific careers.

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